The natural tears that your eyes produce are composed of three layers: the outer lipid layer, a middle watery layer, and the inner mucous layer. Dry eye is the term used to describe eyes that do not produce enough tears or tears with the proper chemical composition in any of these layers. Dry eye is most often a result of the eyes’ natural aging process. Most peoples’ eyes tend to become drier as they age, but the degree of dryness varies and some people have more problems than others.
Besides aging, dry eye can result from working on the computer for long periods of time, certain medications like antihistamines, oral contraceptives and antidepressants or from general health problems like arthritis or Sjrogen’s syndrome. Symptoms are often different from person to person, but the following are commonly experienced by those whose tear production is inadequate:
- irritation, scratchy, dry or uncomfortable
- redness of the eye
- a burning sensation of the eyes
- a feeling of a foreign body in the eye
- blurred vision
- excessive watering as the eyes try to comfort an overly dry eye
If untreated, dry eye can be more than just irritating or uncomfortable. It can damage the eye tissue possibly scarring the cornea and impairing vision. Contact lens wear may be more difficult due to the possibility of increased irritation and a greater chance of an eye infection. Dry eye does not go away, but by working together, you and your doctor can keep your eyes healthy and protect your good vision.