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Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the passages that allow fluid in the eye to drain becomes clogged or blocked. This results in the amount of fluid in the eye to build up and cause increased pressure inside the eye. This increased pressure damages the optic nerve which connects the eye to the brain. The optic nerve is the main carrier of vision information to the brain. Damage to it results in less information sent to the brain and a loss of vision.

The exact cause of glaucoma is not known and it cannot currently be prevented. But, if detected at an early stage and treated promptly, glaucoma can usually be controlled with little or no further vision loss. This is why early eye examinations are so important. People of all ages can develop glaucoma, but it most frequently occurs in people:

  • who are over age 40
  • who have a family history of glaucoma
  • who are very nearsighted
  • who are diabetic
  • who are African American

Glaucoma can usually be treated effectively by using eye drops or other medicines. In some cases, surgery may be necessary. Unfortunately, any loss of vision from glaucoma cannot be restored. But, early detection, prompt treatment and regular monitoring can enable you to continue living in the same way you have always lived. Protect your eye health and examine your eyes annually with your Optometrist.

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